COVID-19 : We are operating as normal during these challenging times. #ThankyouNHS Read More
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What Our Customers Say
People services specialists

COVID 19 Supermarket Project

"Thank you and your teams for the absolute wonderful support we have received since mid-March and we are very grateful"

"As we come to the end of the COVID19 exit strategy on the 6th June I would like to express our thanks to you and your company for the amazing support you have provided in what have been very challenging times. With your support we maintained a safe working and shopping environment for both customers and colleagues, from panic buying to social distancing we were a reassuring presence. We established strong working relationships and robust structure that has enabled all the good work we have achieved, it has been a pleasure working with you."


National Retailer in partnership with top three security company


People services project

Working with Administrators to protect vast properties

"Nexus stepped up and within 4 hours of our request we had a small army of quality guards on site. This was a high profile site that was on national news so it was good that our trusted partner was easily able to step up to the plate. I have personally used Nexus for 8 years now and have rarely been let down. I recommend them to colleagues both in my current work place and to connections I have elsewhere" 

Security Director

Mass Mobilisation

"Nexus have recently completed what we consider to be the largest mobilisation of keyholding sites that has ever been undertaken in the UK marketplace. The project was highly managed from start to finish and complaints ran at a ratio of less that 0.01% after the project started. They are our partner of choice."

Security Director